
DMEA 2024


In April 2024, the Digital Medical Expertise and Applications conference took place in Berlin under the motto "Connecting Digital Health".

A central theme of this year’s conference was the development and implementation of 6G platforms in healthcare projects.

At the joint partner stand with the German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE), several projects from our Smart Grids research department were represented. Under the umbrella of the 6G Platform Germany, we presented our research projects Open6GHub with the Living Lab, AI-NET PROTECT and 6G-Health.

Among other things, the stand hosted a panel discussion on the topic of “How will the transformation succeed in practice – hospital case study”. The participants were Prof. Eckhard Nagel (German Society for Integrated Care (DGIV)), Bernhard Calmer (German Health IT Association (BVITG)), Dr. Christian Bayer (WMC HEALTHCARE), Thorsten Anstädt (VDE ITG, Qualification Guideline HealthCare (QHC)) and Christoph Lipps (DFKI).

In his presentation, Christoph Lipps focused on the possibilities of 6G and emphasized the “6G communication infrastructure for the smart hospital”. Prof. Sylvia Thun, member of the board of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) since 2022, joined the panel for the closing remarks.