ONDM 2024

In May 2024, the 28th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling took place on the Puerto de Toledo campus of the University Carlos III de Madrid.
A central theme of this year’s conference was the integration and optimization of 5G networks.
It was organized by Helmut Grießer (Adva Network Security), Stefan Köpsell (TU Dresden / Barkhausen Institute) and Christoph Lipps (DFKI – Intelligent Networks). The event addressed current topics in the area of quantum key distribution security, optical key distribution and coding and obfuscation for the physical layer.
In addition to the established algorithmic cryptographic approaches, encryption, key distribution and authentication methods based on the properties of physical devices, the transmission channel or even quantum effects are interesting and relevant approaches for increasing security. These were presented in the two-hour workshop by Dan Sadot (Ben Gurion University and CyberRidge), Momtchil Peev (Huawei), Werner Teich (University of Ulm) and Konrad Banaszek (University of Warsaw) and discussed lively with the participants.
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