
Open6GHub – 6G for Society and Sustainability


The project "Open6GHub" develops a 6G vision for sovereign citizens in a hyper-connected world from 2030. The aim of the Open6GHub is to provide contributions to a global 6G harmonization process and standard in the European context. We consider German interests in terms of our societal needs (sustainability, climate protection, data protection, resilience, ...) while maintaining the competitiveness of our companies and our technological sovereignty. Another interest is the position of Germany and Europe in the international competition for 6G.

The Open6GHub will contribute to the development of an overall 6G architecture, but also end-to-end solutions in the following, but not limited to, areas: advanced network topologies with highly agile organic networking, security and resilience, THz and photonic transmission methods, sensor functionalities in the network and their intelligent use, as well as processing and application-specific radio protocols.

“The Open6GHub cares about its openness,” says coordinator Prof. Hans Schotten, further explaining, “We seek an early, open and interactive dialogue with the public. We are open to collaborations with industry and users and will implement OpenLabs and experimental fields for this purpose, and we want to foster an open innovation system by involving SMEs and start-ups.”

BMBF Press release
The 6G research hubs