
Review of the IEEE – Globecom in Cape Town


The IEEE Globecom took place from December 8th to 12th in Cape Town.

The IEEE Global Communications Conference 2024 was themed “Connecting the Intelligent World through Africa.” The conference offered a comprehensive, high-quality technical program with 13 symposia and a variety of tutorials and workshops. Open6GHub also had the opportunity to present and showcase parts of its research. Exciting presentations, inspiring discussions, and an overall positive atmosphere characterized these days.

On the final day of the conference, our colleagues Daniel Lindenschmitt from the Rhineland-Palatinate University of Technology Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) and Michael Gundall from the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) gave insightful presentations. Daniel presented “Approaches to a Foundational Architecture for 6G Nomadic Networks,” while Michael discussed “A Serious Threat to 5G Campus Networks.”

We sincerely thank the organizers and participants for the outstanding event. It was an honor to be part of Globecom 2024 and to contribute to the discussions shaping the future of global communications.