The 6G Architecture and System Design working group brings together the developed solutions and integrates them into an overall solution and architecture that also takes into account possible backward compatibility with 5G and migration paths to other technologies. External solution approaches that can be integrated into the Open6GHub solution are also identified here. Societal requirements and especially the aspects of sustainability and energy efficiency will be an important design criterion for which – as far as possible – a quantitative evaluation methodology will be developed. This is especially true for energy efficiency and exposure. In the architecture definition, advantages and disadvantages of a stronger fragmentation of the RAN and opening of the mobile system (performance, energy efficiency, integration aspects, openness, security aspects, …) including the implications for the interfaces will also be considered. The overall design process in the Open6GHub is carried out with the participation of the associated technology advisory board, so that the recommendations of the technology advisory board can be incorporated.
With regard to the performance analysis and spectrum utilization concepts and spectrum requirements, a close cooperation with the BNetzA is intended and the German contributions to the ITU-R process as well as the WRC2023 and the preparatory phases are to be supported.
Project goals
- Development of a unified, integrated and flexible 6G architecture
- Specification of all functionalities and interfaces within the architecture and to the outside world
- Definition of implementations for experimental systems
- Analysis and evaluation of the performance and functionalities of the overall system from the perspective of different applications
- Development and integration of sustainability and green ICT approaches (energy harvesting, energy self-sufficiency, …)
- New hardware architectures for more energy-efficient devices of the future.
- Definition of a model for exposure reduction (smart spectrum usage, power optimization, spectrum sharing)
Role in Project
- Integration of the solutions developed in the technical work packages and bringing them together in an integrated architecture
- Cross-system definition of services for sustainability and exposure
Results and achievements
- Developing approaches to sustainable energy storage and use.
- Outlining spectrum utilization concepts for flexible, mobile campus networks within static public networks
- Collection of possible application scenarios for the experimental fields to implement the concepts

Prof. Hans Schotten