The OpenLabs and Experiment Fields comprise all activities and resources for the establishment and operation of Experiment Fields and OpenLabs. Experimental Fields are shared experimental environments available to all “Open6GHub” partners and our suppliers (especially SMEs), where results from different working groups and sites are brought together. OpenLabs are experimental environments that are offered for use to all third parties and especially to all (industry) partners of the BMBF 6G program. They are publicly documented and kept stable over longer periods of time. Remote access for experiments is also offered in some cases.
Project goals
- Includes construction and operation of experimental fields and OpenLabs
- Experimental fields are available to project partners for experiments and evaluation tests and are supervised by the establishing partner.
- OpenLabs are available to external project partners such as industry or BMBF to test application scenarios.
- Central setups include:
- Baseband software and hardware architecture for 26GHz and MIMO testbeds.
- End-to-end data link of the THz transmission path with mobile THz access points
- Resilience and security testbed
- Sub-6GHz Joint Communication and Sensing Testbed
- Beyond Cellular Communication Platform
Role in project
- Setup and demonstration of the developed architecture and system concepts
- Presentation and integration platform for all developments of the technical work packages
- Central validation and evaluation environment for KPIs and application scenarios
- platform for the end-to-end 6G transmission links in the application fields for the final presentations
Results and achievements
- Evaluation of the basic infrastructure and identification of the required extensions to set up the OpenLabs at DFKI and Neumühle
- Expert discussions with representatives of the industry and agriculture sectors to identify application scenarios with motivation from 6G
- Definition and sketching of first ideas of demonstratable application scenarios for the OpenLabs “SmartFactory”, “LivingLab – Connected Worlds”, “SmartAgriculture” and “Mobile/Infrastructureless 6G”

Marc Kalter

Prof. Amin Dekorsy
Deputy Head

Dr. Dirk Wübben
Domain Expert

Dr. Carsten Bockelmann
Domain Expert

Prof. Hans Schotten
Domain Expert

Christopher Hobelsberger
Domain Expert

Christian Schellenberger
Domain Expert

Daniel Lindenschmitt
Domain Expert

Christoph Fischer
Domain Expert

Maximilian Berndt
Domain Expert

Matthias Rüb
Domain Expert

Jan Herbst
Domain Expert